—— SUPER Funny Japanese Pranks —— | Hài hước - Chuyện tiếu lâm siêu hài - Funny

—— SUPER Funny Japanese Pranks ——

ntt4rz asked:

Earn free money. Please register at www.neobux.com funny japanese pranks !!!!!!! hillarous! rate and comment ! 200000 Viewers! Keep looking

Video embed from Youtube.com and Collected – posted by Tranh vui va truyen cuoi Funny story, comedy video, fun pictures and video,

23 Comments on —— SUPER Funny Japanese Pranks ——

  1. its hiliarious that it seems that the japanese had broken every law the US has implied for television.

  2. this shit is AMAZINGGGGGG!!! omgg i like CRIED laughing! does anyone know what the name of this show is?!

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